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Legal Notice

1. Ownership and purpose of this website 
You have accessed the website owned by GERADORA HOTELERA CASA Muntanya S.L.U. (hereinafter "GHCM"), 
domiciled in Escaldes-Engordany (Principality of Andorra), Av. De las Escoles, 10, Hotel and Aparthotel Cosmos, 
registered in the Companies Register of the Principality of Andorra under number 10154, book S-116, folios 225 to 232 and under tax registration number 
L-705303-D. You can call GHCM on +376 870750 or send an email to the following address: 
The purpose of this website is to inform you about the business areas, services and products offered by GHCM. 
2. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of this website 
Access to this website implies full acceptance by users of the terms and conditions of use 
established in this legal notice, as well as in the privacy and cookie policies, which are also available on 
this website (hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”). Likewise, users are obliged 
to make diligent use of this website, in accordance with current legislation, in good faith and with good customs, and without contravening morality and public order. 
3. Reservation of the rights to modify the terms and conditions of use of this website 
GHCM reserves the right to make any changes to and periodic updates of the Terms and Conditions it deems appropriate at any time, without prior notice and with immediate effect. Therefore, GHCM recommends users of this website review the terms and conditions on a regular basis. 
4. Rights and legal positions on the contents of the website 
Definition of the term “contents” 
The term “content” refers to all content that forms part of this website, which includes but is not limited to the source code, design and navigation structure of the website as well as the distinctive signs, videos, photographs and texts on display. 
Rights and legal positions on the contents 
The contents of this website are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, image rights and legal rights to similar economic content owned by GHCM or third parties that have granted the relevant licences or authorisations. Therefore, access to this website does not grant users  any ownership rights or rights of use with respect to the contents (whether by, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution, public communication, provision or transformation) unless the user is duly authorised by GHCM or the third parties holding the legal rights to the property in question, either by a statement on this website or written licenses or authorisations. 
Therefore, GHCM reserves the right to use watermarks, technological devices or other security means 
that allow unauthorised uses of such content to be traced or tracked online. And, in any case, GHCM reserves the 
right to bring appropriate legal actions against users of this website in the event that 
they infringe intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, image rights and/or the rights or 
or legal rights to similar economic contents, as mentioned above. 
If a user considers that any of the contents of this website infringes the rights or legal positions of third parties, the user must immediately notify GHCM by email at direccio@hotelcosmos.ad so that the GHCM can analyse and assess the case in question. 
5. Right of exclusion 
GHCM reserves the right to refuse or suspend, without notice and in a discretionary manner, at any time and on a definitive or temporary basis, access to this website for users who violate the terms and  conditions. This right of GHCM is without prejudice to any legal actions that may be brought against the users concerned. 
6. Responsibilities 
Conduct of users of this website 
GHCM is not responsible for damages or other consequences arising from the breach of the terms and conditions by users. 
GHCM is not responsible for damages or other consequences arising from the unavailability of this website or its contents for technical, security, control, update or maintenance, or for errors due to servers or third-party intermediaries or suppliers. 
GHCM is not responsible for damages caused to users of this website by computer programs, viruses, or other elements that are beyond its control. 
GHCM has no control over the services, contents and/or other elements that may be accessed by the users of this website through links, directories or social media sites that can be accessed through this site (such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and the like). Therefore, GHCM is not responsible for the technical availability, quality or accuracy, of the content and/or other elements accessed, or for damages or other consequences that may arise as a result of using them unless GHCM has direct control over the content. 
Without prejudice to the foregoing, if a user believes that the legal rights of any third party have been violated by any of the links, directories or other social media sites accessed through this website, the user must immediately notify GHCM by email at direccio@hotelcosmos.ad, so that the case can be analysed and assessed. 
7. Link authorisation 
Without prejudice to the fact that links to this website are authorised, the use of the network and any other unfair use of the contents of this website by third parties not authorised in writing by GHCM is prohibited. 
Additionally, GHCM prohibits the creation of links to this website from other websites with content that is contrary to the law, good faith, good customs, morality or public order. 
8. Applicable law and jurisdiction 
The terms and conditions are governed by Andorran law. 
The users of this website are subject to Andorran jurisdiction, explicitly waiving any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them under the law. 
Last updated: June 1, 2021 
